We all have an inherent need to feel like we belong—to feel loved, seen, cared for, and appreciated. But each of these feelings is also an action: we can love, see, care, and appreciate. And in so doing, we not only nourish another person’s sense of belonging, but our own as well. This is the […]
Read MoreAppetite for Humanity
As the New Year dawns and resolutions with it, many people adopt the intention of giving their time, treasure, or talent in support of others. In fact, resolutions like volunteering, charity work, and raising money for charity all made it onto last year’s researched lists of top resolutions. While this reveals a heartwarming side of […]
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Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. We all know the proverb well. Yet often, when a deep desire to help refugees, asylees, and immigrants begins stirring within us, our inclination is not so much to teach, but to […]
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After years of COVID-related shutdowns and complications, the world is reconnecting again. And by all accounts, humankind is not just ready for connection; we’re hungry for it. For communities of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, connection has always been incredibly important. But after the bumps and bruises of the past few years, many people have […]
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